In the event of a life-threatening medical emergency, all attempts will be made to contact the owner. If We are unable to reach you, please let us know how to proceed:
A) Treat my pet as needed, including transfer to a 24-hour facility if warranted. Do any and all diagnostic tests, treatments, and surgeries necessary for the well-being of my pet. I accept full financial responsibility for all charges related to the treatment of my pet(s) and understand that this could be several thousand dollars, depending on the specific condition.
I understand that if the proposed treatment exceeds the amount designated, and I or my agent cannot be contacted, my pet will NOT receive further medical treatment even if it is life-threatening. I understand that if Dr. Flory or his/her agent(s) feel that my pet is undergoing needless pain and suffering due to the lack of medical care, and that the treatments and tests needed would exceed the above amount, Dr. Flory and his/her agent(s) are authorized to euthanize (put to sleep) my pet. I will be responsible for all charges accrued during that time period.
C) Do not treat. In this situation, I authorize the doctors and staff of NVH to humanely euthanize my pet, and I accept financial responsibility for this procedure.